Q: |
Do I need to have my domain name before I order URLescort?
A: |
Yes, your domain name must exist before we can forward it to your existing site.
With DomainRegister.Com
you can search for the name you want and then order it online!
Q: |
Will I need a username and password with URLescort?
A: |
No, we set up your domain name to forward to your existing site so you won't need a username
and password for your domain.
Q: |
Is this IP address redirection?
A: |
No, this is URL forwarding handled via our web server with html.
Q: |
Can I have email with URLescort Lite?
A: |
No, you must upgrade to URLescort for this service.
Q: |
Can I have my meta tags in your html for the search engines?
A: |
Yes, you can with URLescort! We handle these requests on an individual basis.
URLescort Lite does NOT support this feature
Q: |
Does my domain name have to be in all capital letters?
A: |
No, your domain name is case insensitive. It could be all
lower-case (mydomain.com), all upper-case (MYDOMAIN.COM), or a combination of cases (MyDomain.Com).
Q: |
I want to order URLescort, but I don't want to use my credit card.
Can I do that?
A: |
Yes, you can. We accept company checks and money orders. (US dollars only)
Print out the completed
order form.
Mail it with your payment to:
Franklin Communications Services
P.O. Box 241
Baxter, TN 38544
We will complete your request as soon as your payment clears!
Q: |
I have questions not answered here
A: |
Please email us! We will respond with your answer!